Old Testament
以色列的十二支派 (The 12 Israel Tribes)
Who are the Philistines 誰是培肋舍特人?
天主的山曷勒布 (Horeb the Mountain of God)
加爾默羅山與厄里亞 (Mount Carmel and Elijah)
撒慕爾的身世及聖召 (The Birth and Calling of Samuel)
撒烏耳王這個人 (King Saul this person)
達味王的罪 (The Sins of King David)
撒羅滿王及聖經中的智慧 (King Solomon and Wisdom in the Bible)
智慧小統計 (Wisdom Statistics)
分裂的以色列家十二支派(The Divided Israel Twelve Tribes)
分裂後南北兩國的命運(The Fate of the Divided Northern and Southern Kingdom)
依撒意亞和猶大國王希則克雅(Isaiah and King Hezekiah of Judah)
巴比倫王拿布高經由達尼爾認識天主 (Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian King got to know God via Daniel)
波斯王居魯士的人權宣言(Charter of Human Rights by Cyrus the Persian King)
波斯王朝統治下的耶路撒冷 (Jerusalem under the Persian Reign)
New Testament
認出四位聖史之瑪竇及瑪爾谷 (Identifying the Four Evangelists - Matthew and Mark)
認出四位聖史之路加及若望 (Identifying the Four Evangelists - Luke and John)
Ignatius Contemplation
Ignatius Examen
基督徒的罪與懺悔 (The Sins and Confession of a Christian)
懺悔及修和 (Penance and Reconciliation)
Key Reference:
- 聖經(中文) - 思高聖經學會譯釋版本
- Books of the Bible. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Access at http://usccb.org/bible/books-of-the-bible/index.cfm
- Bible Commentaries. StudyLight.org. Access at http://www.studylight.org/commentaries/
- The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Edited by Brown RE, Fitzmyer JA, and Murphy
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