Sunday 23 November 2014

達味王的罪 (The Sins of King David)

天主教教理第1841段提到拜占廷禮(Byzantine Liturgy)的赦罪經文, 引述聖經裏的例子表達寬恕的奧跡。這段由供司鐸用的經文是這樣的:


“May the same God, who through the Prophet Nathan forgave David when he confessed his sins, who forgave Peter when he wept bitterly, the prostitute when she washed his feet with her tears, the publican, and the prodigal son, through me, a sinner, forgive you both in this life and in the next and enable you to appear before his awe-inspiring tribunal without condemnation, he who is blessed for ever and ever. Amen.”

這段赦罪經文裏提到懺悔的達味,達味為何要懺悔呢? 達味是天主親選的第二任以色列王,他『統治了全以色列,對自己所有的人民秉行公義。』(撒下8:15),本是受主所喜愛的。他犯的罪,記載在撒慕爾下書第十一章。


達味看著沐浴中的巴特舍巴與後方騎馬的烏黎雅 (David watching the bathing Bathsheba and Uriah riding a horse at the far end; by P Bordone 1549; painting at Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne;



達味什麼時候才知道自己的錯呢?似乎是要在納堂先知(Prophet Nathan)明斥才感到有錯。在撒慕爾下書第十二章,納堂先知首先說一個富人強取了窮人唯一所擁有的小母羊來款待旅客的故事,比喻達味強槍烏黎雅的妻子,引起達味的反應後,繼而直斥其非,指出達味『輕視上主,作出他眼中視為邪惡的事』,更隨即指出對達味的懲罰, 包括:從此刀劍永不離開他家;由家裏激起災禍反對他;和讓他的妻妾與他的近人同寢。

“Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the LORD.” Nathan answered David: “For his part, the LORD has removed your sin. You shall not die, but since you have utterly spurned the LORD by this deed, the child born to you will surely die.” (2 Samuel 12:13-14)

1 comment:

achan said...

As wise as King David, he commuted such a crime lead to the death of his son. We can only pray for wisdom and grace from God