Thursday, 31 July 2014

認出四位聖史之瑪竇及瑪爾谷 (Identifying the Four Evangelists - Matthew and Mark)


(Vault of the Sacristy at Basilica et San Miniato al Monte; Wiki)
一次在旅行時,巧遇一位大學師兄,夫妻二人都是知識廣博又熱心的教友,解釋了怎樣解讀這些教會作品。其中一個方法,便是在作品內找出他們的代表符號或活物。這些活物,是來自默示錄第四章第六至九節:『在寶座前面周圍,有四個活物,前後都長滿了眼睛:第一個活物像獅子,第二個活物像牛犢,第三個活物面貌像人,第四個活物像飛鷹。那四個活物,個個都有六個翅膀,周圍內外都滿了眼睛,日夜不停的說:「聖!聖!聖!上主,全能的天主,是昔在、今在、及將來永在者。 」』



(By Caravaggio, 1600; Web Gallery of Art)

(Pasquale Ottino, 17th century, Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux; Wiki)


  • Saint symbolism. Wikipedia.
  • Symbols of the Four Evangelists.  Sacred Destinations.
  • Web Gallery of Art.
  • Mark the Evangelist. Wikipedia.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

The Conversion of St Paul (聖保祿的歸化)

The conversion of St. Paul has been dramatically portrayed both in the Scriptures as well as in paintings.

In the Scriptures, this scene is set in somewhere near Damascus, where one from Jerusalem needs to pass through.  It is not stated clearly whether Saul is on a horse or just on foot when he falls.  There are, nonetheless, three key elements in this scene.

First, there is light from the sky.   Second, there is a conversation between God and Saul.  Mostly importantly, the voice identifies himself as Jesus.  Third, Saul becomes blind afterwards and has to be taken to Damascus by his companions.

The Italian artist Caravaggio (1517 - 1610) produced two paintings on the conversion of St Paul.

This painting, produced in 1601, depicts the light from above going straight into Saul's eyes.  Saul is immediately beneath his horse suggesting it a horrendous fall.  Another person standing beside the horse looks at Saul's terrified face seemingly no aware of any voice.  The light takes the middle seat in this painting.

Another painting by Caravaggio again highlighted the light shining upon Saul and his becoming blind afterwards.  This time, Saul is naked and in contrast to his three fellow men who are properly dressed and not able to be aware of what is causing the fall.  Saul holds his head covering his face with hands and his facial expression is not seen - is he confused, frustrated, feeling ashamed, or in pain?

Michelangelo (1475-1564) painted Saul as an old man with white beard when he converts.  There is less emphasis on the light but only reflects on the closed eyes of Saul - apparently closed because the light that shines on him is very strong.

According to google map, the distance between Jerusalem in Israel and Damascus in Syria is about 300km.  It is estimated requiring about 5 hours of drive or 60 hours of walk - assuming the contemporary traffic and current road conditions.

In the Acts of the Apostles: "On his journey, as he was nearing Damascus, a light from the sky suddenly flashed around him.  He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” He said, “Who are you, sir?” The reply came, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.  Now get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do.”  The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, for they heard the voice but could see no one. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing;* so they led him by the hand and brought him to Damascus."  Acts 9: 3-8. (

The Chinese version: 宗徒大事錄第九章第三至八節:『當他前行,快要臨近大馬士革的時候,忽然從天上有一道光,環射到他身上。他便跌倒在地,聽見有聲音向他說:「掃祿,掃祿,你為什麼迫害我?」他答說:「主,你是誰?」主說:「我就是你所迫害的耶穌。但是,你起來進城去,必有人告訴你當作什麼。」陪他同行的人站在那裏,說不出話來,只聽見聲音,卻看不見什麼人。掃祿從地上起來,睜開他的眼,什麼也看不見了。人們牽著他的手,領他進了大馬士革。』(思高聖經學會)

Picture credit:
The pictures are pasted for illustration purpose and are from the "Third Millenium Ministries" at the website:

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


聖保祿宗徒第一次在聖經裏出場,是在宗徒大事錄第七章五十八節。當時斯德望(Stephen)在耶路撒冷公議會演講,激怒了大司祭、經師、長老及百姓,被拉出城外,用石頭砸死後,『證人脫下自己的衣物,放在名叫掃祿的青年人腳前。』掃祿 (Saul) 就是後來歸化後改了名字的保祿。




在這裡,先看看保祿的身世。在宗徒大事錄第二十二章第一節,保祿以希伯來文發表演說,在打算拘捕他的猶太人面前,說明自己是猶太人,生於小亞細亞基里基雅省(Cilicia)的塔爾索城 (Tarsus),在耶路撒冷長大,並曾隨當時著名的加瑪里耳經師(Gamaliel)學習。


塔爾索城是基里基雅省的首府,位於現時土耳其中南部,在塔爾索河(Tarsus River)流出地中海的出口,離地中海岸約二公里,在耶路撒冷北面約九百三十公里。塔爾索是古羅馬時代的貿易中心及文化交匯點。歷史上除了是聖保祿宗徒的家鄉,也是古羅馬政治家安東尼首次與埃及女王(Queen Cleopatra of Egypt)見面的地方。

Sunday, 27 July 2014

The Pearl of Great Price

"I serve you in the midst of the people whom you have chosen.  Give your servant, therefore, an understanding heart to distinguish right from wrong"

"Wonderful are your decrees; therefore I observe them.  The revelation of your words sheds light, giving understanding to the simple."

"All things work for good for those who love God."

"The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for find pearls.  When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it."

(17th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Tuesday, 22 July 2014


When we talk about mystics, reference is often made to people such as Saint John of the Cross, Saint Therese of Lisieux, and also the recently canonised Saint John Paul II.  But what is mystics?  What is mysticism? 

According to the online Merriam-Webster dictionary, mysticism refers to "the experience of mystical union or direct communion with ultimate reality reported by the mystics", or "the belief that direct knowledge of God, spiritual truth, ultimate reality can be attained through subjective experience as intuition or insights."

The online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy considered "mysticism" as "a constellation of distinctive practices, discourses, texts, institutions, traditions, and experiences aiming at human transformation, variously defined in different traditions."  As such, the study of mysticism covers the classification of mystical experiences, their nature in different religions and mystical traditions, and how they are modified by language and culture, as well as whether there is evidence for the truth of contents of the mystical experiences.

Mystical experience is therefore further defined in a wider sense as "a purportedly super sense-perceptual or sub sense-perceptual experience granting acquaintance of realities or states of affairs that are of a kind not accessible by way of sense perception, somatosensory modalities, or standard introspection."  However, more commonly, it refers to a subset of the above focusing on a "unitive" experience which involves a "de-emphasis, blurring, or eradication of multiplicity."

Examples of unitive experience are the "oneness of all nature", "union with God" of Christianity, Atman if Brahman (the the self/soul is identical with the eternal, absolute being) in Hinduism, and that in Buddhism.  Such unitive experience is in contrast with a dualistic experience of God when the subject and God remain strictly distinct.  On example quoted by the website for the latter is the Jewish tree of life kabbalistic experience.

Mystical experience is considered not equivalent to but a subset of "religious experience".  The latter refers to any experience having content or significance appropriate to a religious context, such as religious visions and auditions, non-mystical Zen experiences, various religious feelings, as well as the "feeling of absolute dependence".

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (

Saturday, 19 July 2014


傳統宗教一般認為崇拜和宇宙的關係,是根據一個上下「生發」(exitus) 和「回歸」(reditus) 的循環:非神體是由神聖的高處墮落及下墜;而當人類對自身墮落產生頓悟而感到懊悔時,便是朝著祂上升回去。崇拜就是瞻仰那在萬有之前及萬有之上的存有,也包含救贖的意向。

基督信仰內的神與人的關係,也是帶有「生發」和「回歸」兩個基本方向。 特別的是,「生發」是一個造物主自由的及積極意志下的創作行為;而「回歸」則是一個自主的受造物,以自由回應天主的愛,建立全新的契合。在這個獻祭中,受造物不但不被銷毀,反而獲得圓滿及成全。


首先,朝拜的對象必須是天主,而不是其它代替品。 這是相對於那些「認為唯一真神不能以牲祭來侍奉,便索性不去崇拜祂,而去以祭獻以取悅每天的『率領者和掌權者』」的人來說的。


本書引羅馬書第十二章第一節,指示了「合理的敬禮」:獻上你們的身體,當作生活、聖潔和悅樂天主的祭品。並指出「言」(logos), 祈禱內的說話,就是祭獻。「它由人發出,連同人的整個存在,一起上升到天主那裏,讓他自己成為言。當人使自己與言相符,並透過信仰而成為言後,他就成了祭品。」「希臘思想更把言提升至與「羅格思」(Logos), 即一切事物的意義,神秘結合的概念。」承接這些發展,教會將感恩祭視為「祈禱」(oratio),即「以言舉行的祭獻」。



Friday, 18 July 2014





本書認為,祭獻是一種存在方式,是服屬於天主,與毀滅無關。引聖奧思定所說,真的祭獻就是「天主之城」(civitas dei), 即「那把被愛所轉化的人類,受造物的神化,並把一切萬物呈奉給天主,讓天主在一切內成為一切」。



Thursday, 17 July 2014



最近在榮休主教 Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) 所著的 The Spirit of Liturgy (李子忠中譯本:禮儀的真諦)裏,看到了這個有趣的說法:禮儀與遊戲(play, game)有相似的特性,因此可按遊戲理解禮儀。



