Thursday, 14 August 2014

Ignatius way of contemplative prayer

Attended a workshop recently and had the chance to walk through the Ignatius way of contemplative prayer.

In contrast to "meditation" (默想), the Ignatius way of "contemplation" (默觀)emphasizes using imagination to go into the scenarios described in the gospel to experience Jesus as if a member actually present in that scene.   When one has his mind and heart are fully engaged in the scene, he is asked to pay special attention to his thoughts and emotions aroused by the presence.

The purpose of the process is to explore the meaning of the section of the gospel to one's own life.   In Ignatius tradition, it is the way to communicate with God in a personal way.  A pre-requisite is to pray and invite the Holy Spirit to lead one into the journey.

Although it is said to be best used in experiencing Gospel passages, some also considers those in the Old Testament can be well experienced through Ignatius Contemplation.

One piece of passage good for Ignatius Contemplation is Jesus curing the blind man as described in Luke 18:35-43.

Note: "Contemplation" may be used in some other spiritual tradition to refer to praying without thoughts and images.


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