Friday, 26 December 2014

波斯王居魯士的人權宣言(Charter of Human Rights by Cyrus the Persian King)

公元前538年,居魯士(Cyrus) 攻陷巴比倫(Babylon),成為波斯王(Persian King)。居魯士同情受巴比倫壓迫的各民族,頒令讓各民族回鄉,並讓他們自由追隨各自的宗教。這樣,便結束了以色列及猶太民族超過五十年的流放命運。舊約中的厄斯德拉上下書(Ezra 1 and 2),講述了以色列及猶太民族回耶路撒冷及其後重建聖殿及社會秩序的經過及問題。

有關居魯士讓猶太人回鄉一事,大英博物館(British Museum)收藏品之中,有一座著名的居魯士銘筒(Cyrus Cylinder, 或稱居魯士圓筒),是在1879年大英博物館的考古隊,在美索不達米亞(Mesopotamia) 古巴比倫遺址(現在的伊拉克)發掘到的歷史文物。

銘筒上面刻有居魯士的詔書,估計是在公元前五百多年居魯士年代所作。這其實是一個泥製圓筒,上寫有古代阿卡德語楔形文字(Akkadian cuneiform script),內容是以居魯士大帝的名義,除了宣告他自己為王的功績之外,最重要的是宣布他對各個民族及宗教的尊重,他會讓人民自由崇拜自己的神,也不會讓官員壓迫其他民族及宗教。居魯士本人信奉巴比倫神名叫Mardurk,他自己認為這是他的神讓他立下這個政策。

這篇文告,被稱為歷史上第一篇人權宣言(First Human Rights Charter),伊朗(即古代的波斯國)就送了一個銘筒複製品到聯合國展示,並附有其英文及法文譯本。

Cyrus Cylinder. British Museum.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

巴比倫王拿布高經由達尼爾認識天主 (Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian King got to know God via Daniel)

達尼爾書第三章98至100節,第四章一至十五節,及第四章31至34節,是巴比倫王拿布高(Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar),以第一人身所寫的詔書,宣告他自己的一個夢境及相關的經歷,及因而對天主的敬畏及臣服。這位巴比倫王拿布高(Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar),亦即攻陷猶太國耶路撒冷將猶太人充軍的國王。這位非猶太人認識天主,達尼爾起了決定性的作用。在我們了解這事之前,先了解一下達尼爾書及書中主角達尼爾。




達尼爾書內容分兩部分,第一部分第一至六章,主要是從第三身的寫法,描述達尼爾這個猶太人在巴比倫王國與三位巴比倫國王拿布高(Nebuchadnezzar)、貝耳(Belshazzar)、及瑪待人達理阿(Darius the Mede)相處,並從中彰顯天主的大能的經歷。第二部分是第七至十四章,文字表達的形式與若望默示錄(Revelation) 相似,屬於末日預言文學(Apocalytic Literature),以第一身的預視形式預告一連串充軍(Exile)時代之後包括的重要事件。









達尼爾一聽,已經知道這是天主因拿布高王高傲的判決,勸告他承認至高者(the Most High)統治世人的國度,厲行正義,補贖罪過,憐貧濟困。十二個月之後,當拿布高王在王宮的樓台上,自言自語為自己建設了強大的巴比倫國沾沾自喜時,這個夢境便實現了,夢境的內容,大概是指拿布高王一場精神錯亂的大病。病好後,拿布高王便發出本文開始所提到的詔書,宣認天主的大能。



拿布高夢中的像與預告的國家興亡 (
“In your vision, O king, you saw a statue, very large and exceedingly bright, terrifying in appearance as it stood before you.  Its head was pure gold, its chest and arms were silver, its belly and thighs bronze,  its legs iron, its feet partly iron and partly clay.  While you watched, a stone was hewn from a mountain without a hand being put to it, and it struck its iron and clay feet, breaking them in pieces.  The iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold all crumbled at once, fine as the chaff on the threshing floor in summer, and the wind blew them away without leaving a trace. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth."

經過歷史印證,現今的解釋是,這個夢境預告了金頭的巴比倫(Babylon, 606-538BC)會被銀胸和臂的瑪待波斯帝國(Medo-Persia, 538-330BC)代替,再被銅腹和股的希臘(Greece, 330-160BC)取代,繼而是鐵脛羅馬帝國(Roman Empire, 160-476AD)。而最後的泥和鐵混合的腳則有說是分裂的羅馬,也有後來說是現代。無論如何,所有的王權,最後都是由代表天主力量的石頭粉碎,成為永不滅亡的天主國。


Wednesday, 17 December 2014

依撒意亞和猶大國王希則克雅(Isaiah and King Hezekiah of Judah)

依撒意亞(Isaiah)先知在南北分裂的時期,扮演著重要角色。依撒意亞是阿摩茲(Amoz)的兒子,在公元前765年出生於耶路撒冷,他在烏齊雅王(King Uzziah)逝世那年蒙召,經歷了約堂(Jotham)、阿哈次(Ahaz)及希則克雅(Hezekiah)三代君王(依撒意亞引言,思高聖經)。列王紀一書對他和希則克雅的關係著墨較多(列下第18至20章)。

第十三任君王希則克雅是猶大國第十三任君王,是一位與在上主同在的君主。他像達味一樣,行了上主視為正義的事,廢除邪神,守梅瑟的誡命,對外則擺脫了亞述王(King of Assyria)的羈絆,擊敗了培肋舍特人(the Philistines)。但他也犯了心高氣傲的問題,埋下了後來巴比倫人消滅猶大國的禍根。





英國Ely Cathedral彩色玻璃以大將軍在城外挑囂、希則克雅向天主祈求,及天使殺了亞述營內軍隊的故事 (Source: Steve Day Photostream;




巴比倫王(King of Babylon)巴拉丹(Baladan)的兒子默洛達客巴拉丹(Berodach-Baladan)聽說希則克雅患重病又好了,便派人來見希則克雅,且送上禮物及書信。這令到希則克雅『非常高興』,讓巴比倫使者參觀了宮中及國內所有的一切。



Tuesday, 16 December 2014

分裂後南北兩國的命運(The Fate of the Divided Northern and Southern Kingdom)

撒羅滿王後期的統治,除了引起以色列家分裂、拜偶像、爭奪王位等外,更埋藏了外患的種子,令以色列民族不斷面對外來的戰爭。 其中亞述(Assyria) 最後滅亡了北國以色列。讓我們來了解一下亞述。

公元前赫特人(Hittites,綠1600-1200BC), 亞述(Assyria,藍,1500-600BC), 巴比倫(Babylon,橙,2200-1600BC), and 埃及(Egypt,黃,2600-650BC) 所佔據的大約位置 (from Ancietn Near East Empires Map 

亞述這個名字,在創世紀一書中已出現過三次,頭兩次說明了它的所在地及祖先。第一次在第二章十四節,說明其中一條從伊甸流出灌溉樂園的第三支河,名叫底格里斯(Tigris),流入亞述東部(east of Assyria)。第二次是第十章十一節,說明它的族人是諾厄(Noah)的第二個兒子含(Ham)的後代。含的其中一個兒子雇士(Cush),生了尼默洛得(Nimrod),被稱為「上主面前有本領的獵人(a mighty hunter before the Lord)」,尼默洛得開始建國於巴比倫(Babel)、厄勒客(Erech)、和阿加得(Accad),都在史納爾地域(the land of Shinar),並去了亞述(Assyria),建設了尼尼微(Nineveh)、勒曷波特城(Rehobothir)等。


這個統治十個支派的以色列北方國自931BC至724BC共經歷約二百年十九個君王,被亞述所滅。其中在位最短的君王是只有七天的齊默黎(Zimri),最長的是在位四十一年(783-743BC)的雅洛貝罕第二(Jeroboam II)。首都初期是提爾匝(Tirzah),後來在第六任君王敖默黎時,定都撒瑪黎雅(Samaria)。

亞述王國攻陷以色列北國時的版圖 (黃線是以色列被擄的遷移路線)from "Tracking the Tribes through Migration and Maps" at Vertical Thoughts by the United Church of God accessed 


兩個例外是第七任的阿塔里雅(Athaliah)太后及第二十任的漆德克雅(Zedekiah)。阿塔里雅太后是第五任的國王約蘭的妻子,第六任國王阿哈齊雅的母親,也是以色列王阿哈布及拜邪神的依則貝耳的女兒。由於阿哈齊雅與阿哈布一家親近,也像阿哈布一樣作了上主視為惡的事,他在被上主選的將軍耶胡消滅阿哈布一家時所殺。阿塔里雅太后便乘機參政六年之久,後來由百官擁立阿哈齊雅的兒子約阿士即位,猶大國才回歸達味家。而第二十任的漆德克雅本叫瑪塔尼雅(Mattaniah),是第十九任王耶苛尼雅的叔父,耶苛尼雅被巴比倫王(King of Babylon)所殺後,由巴比倫王所立為王。但這個合作為時很短,漆德克雅及猶大國就在公元前587年被巴比倫王拿布高(Nebuchadnessar)所毀滅。


Saturday, 13 December 2014

分裂的以色列家十二支派(The Divided Israel Twelve Tribes)









分裂後的第一任北國國王雅洛貝罕拜金牛犢遠離天主並被先知告誡 (by Fragonard, Jean-Honoré, 1753, Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris; Web Gallery of Arts



同時,這七任國王都帶領子民拜祭偶像,與天主遠離,直至第七任阿哈布為王時,出現了另一位著名的先知厄里亞(Elijah),在加爾默羅山重新彰顯雅威天主的大能。(請參閱:加爾默羅山與厄里亞 (Mount Carmel and Elijah)

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

智慧小統計 (Wisdom Statistics)


讓我們先做一個小統計。在一個"Bible Search Gateway" 的網站所提供的搜尋器, 計算在聖經中出現過的“wisdom” 或 “智慧” 字眼的次數。

該網站提供各種語言多個版本,這次選了四個版本,分別為:天主教聖經(New Revised Standard Catholic Version)、英王欽定本 (King James Version, KJV)、新國際版本 (New International Version, NIV), 及中文和合本 (Chinese Union Version)。  前三本都是英文版,用“wisdom”作關鍵字搜尋。而最後一本是中文,用“智慧” 作關鍵字搜尋 。第一本是天主教版本,而其它三本是基督教版本。 可惜該網站沒有我們常用的思高聖經。

這個小統計,看到“wisdom”在天主教聖經中出現三百多次,基督教版本出現二百多次,分別主要在於天主教聖經包含了至少兩部專講智慧的智慧篇 (Wisdom)和德訓篇 (Sirah)。 由於英文的“wise” 可譯作智慧的,因此中文所算出來的數目稍多。

而“wisdom” 一詞出現得最多的,依次是德訓篇 (Sirah),箴言 (Proverbs),智慧篇 (Wisdom)、訓道篇 (Ecclesiastes)、及約伯傳 (Job)。另外頗多次的是列王紀上 (1 Kings) 及編年紀下 (2 Chronicls)、及新約的聖保祿宗徒致格林多人前書 (1 Corinthians)。

Book New Revised Standard, Catholic New King James New International Version Chinese Union, Traditional
Old Testament 281 176 169 322
Exodus 0 7 3 12
1 Kings 15 16 16 19
2 Chronicles 10 10 10 10
Job 21 22 23 38
Psalm 7 9 7 17
Proverbs 50 52 55 114
Ecclesiastes 27 27 25 44
Wisdom 43 - - -
Sirach 68 - - -
Isaiah 6 6 6 13
Jeremiah 5 5 5 15
Ezekiel 5 5 4 7
Daniel 10 10 8 13
Subtotal 267 169 162 302
% Old Testament 95.02% 96.02% 95.86% 93.79%
New Testament 52 55 50 59
Matthew 3 3 3 4
Mark 1 1 1 2
Luke 7 8 7 7
Acts 4 4 4 3
1 Corinthians 17 17 16 21
Ephesians 3 5 3 4
Colossians 5 6 5 6
James 5 4 4 4
Revelation 4 4 4 4
Subtotal 49 52 47 55
% New Testament 94.23% 94.55% 94.00% 93.22%
Total (Old + New) 333 231 219 381

舊約中討論智慧的章節,是新約的三至六倍。New Jerome Biblical Commentary 中,談到智慧可包括四大類。第一是判斷上的智慧 (Judicial Wisdom), 例子是撒羅滿王判別兒子的母親時所展現的智慧。第二是有關自然環境的知識 (Knowledge)的智慧。第三是神學上的智慧 (Theological Wisdom)。第四則是人生經驗累積的智慧 (Experiential Wisdom)。第一、二、四類對於無論有沒有宗教信仰的人,都應沒有爭議。讓我們看看什麼是神學上的智慧。



Note: Bible Search Gateway (

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

撒羅滿王及聖經中的智慧 (King Solomon and Wisdom in the Bible)



The Judgement of Solomon by Valentin de Boulogne (c. 1625, MusÈe du Louvre, Paris; Web Gallery of Art at


智慧既是重要,舊約聖經中,確是有五部重要的智慧文獻 (Wisdom Literature),包括:箴言(Proverbs)、訓道篇(Ecclesiates or Qoheleth)、智慧篇 (Wisdom)、德訓篇 (Sirah)、及約伯傳 (Job)。另外更有不少與智慧有關的討論。其中箴言、訓道篇及智慧篇都收集了撒羅滿王的智慧之言。

"The beginning of wisdom is fear of the LORD, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

Sunday, 23 November 2014

達味王的罪 (The Sins of King David)

天主教教理第1841段提到拜占廷禮(Byzantine Liturgy)的赦罪經文, 引述聖經裏的例子表達寬恕的奧跡。這段由供司鐸用的經文是這樣的:


“May the same God, who through the Prophet Nathan forgave David when he confessed his sins, who forgave Peter when he wept bitterly, the prostitute when she washed his feet with her tears, the publican, and the prodigal son, through me, a sinner, forgive you both in this life and in the next and enable you to appear before his awe-inspiring tribunal without condemnation, he who is blessed for ever and ever. Amen.”

這段赦罪經文裏提到懺悔的達味,達味為何要懺悔呢? 達味是天主親選的第二任以色列王,他『統治了全以色列,對自己所有的人民秉行公義。』(撒下8:15),本是受主所喜愛的。他犯的罪,記載在撒慕爾下書第十一章。


達味看著沐浴中的巴特舍巴與後方騎馬的烏黎雅 (David watching the bathing Bathsheba and Uriah riding a horse at the far end; by P Bordone 1549; painting at Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne;



達味什麼時候才知道自己的錯呢?似乎是要在納堂先知(Prophet Nathan)明斥才感到有錯。在撒慕爾下書第十二章,納堂先知首先說一個富人強取了窮人唯一所擁有的小母羊來款待旅客的故事,比喻達味強槍烏黎雅的妻子,引起達味的反應後,繼而直斥其非,指出達味『輕視上主,作出他眼中視為邪惡的事』,更隨即指出對達味的懲罰, 包括:從此刀劍永不離開他家;由家裏激起災禍反對他;和讓他的妻妾與他的近人同寢。

“Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the LORD.” Nathan answered David: “For his part, the LORD has removed your sin. You shall not die, but since you have utterly spurned the LORD by this deed, the child born to you will surely die.” (2 Samuel 12:13-14)

Monday, 10 November 2014

懺悔及修和 (Penance and Reconciliation)

天主教七件聖事可分為三組:入門(The Sacraments of Christian Initiation) -聖洗 (Baptism)、聖體(Eucharist)及堅振(Confirmation)-;治愈 (The Sacraments of Healing)-修和(Penance and Reconciliation)及病人傅油(Anointing of the Sick);及共融(The Sacraments at the Service of Communion) - 婚姻(Matrimony) 及聖秩聖事 (The Sacrament of Holy Orders)。今天先看治愈,特別是修和聖事。


有關修和聖事,天主教教理則引述了伯多祿三次不認主(路22:56-60;若18:16-17; 若18:25-27)之後的懺悔:


懺悔中的伯多祿 (St Peter in Penitence)
(by El Greco; 1605; Painting at Hospital Tavera, Toledo, Spain; Photo from Web Gallery of Art




第1423條解釋了皈依(Conversion)及懺悔 (Penance) 的部分,並在第1430至1439條指出內心的懺悔及以瑪竇福音第六章一至十八節之禁食(Fasting)、祈禱(Praying)及施捨(Almsgiving) 以表達人對自己、天主及他人關係的改善。

同時,也在第1424條指出有關告解(Confession),寬恕(Forgiveness)與和好 (Reconciliation) 的部分,並在1440至1458條要求信者必須告明及由神父赦罪。

Thursday, 6 November 2014

基督徒的罪與懺悔 (The Sins and Confession of a Christian)


回想彌撒中裡的懺悔詞是這樣說的:「我向全能的天主和各位兄弟姊妹,承認我在思、言、行為上的過失。」英文彌撒內的用字是:“I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do".  此英文版本更具體地為「行為上的過失」加註,除了做了不該作的事之外(COMMISSION), 也包括未能做到的行為 (OMISSION)。



Friday, 3 October 2014

The first Ebola case in the United States (美國的第一宗伊波拉)

It was reported in the news on 1st October when the first case of Ebola virus infection was diagnosed in the United States.

The patient, a 42-year-old male, is a Liberia citizen visiting his family members in the United States. He was sent to Texas Health Presbyterian in Dallas on ambulance on 28 September with high fever and vomiting. He was taken to isolation immediately and blood test confirmed ebola virus infection on 30 September.

Retrospectively, it was revealed that he first attended the same hospital on 26 September reporting low grade fever for two days.  He was diagnosed to be a common viral infection and was sent home with antibiotics.  According to the patient's family (a sister), the patient did inform a nurse at the hospital when the first time he attended the hospital on 26 September.
Progression of Ebola Symptoms

Further on the contact tracing, the patient had his onset date on 24 September 2014 when he was in Dallas already.  Prior to that, he was in Liberia and left Monrovia in Liberia on 19 September travelling through Brussels and Washington DC and arriving in Dallas on 20 September.  

While in Liberia, the patient was a driver for shipping company.  It was reported that he might have contracted the virus from the daughter of his landlord when he took her to the hospital on September 15.  She was turned away and then died later at home with no exact date provided.  

In other words, the patient might have developed symptoms on day 9 with initially mild flu-like symptoms then progress to systemic symptoms, notably vomiting and high fever before admitted to an isolation facility.

He should have become infectious and spreading the virus since 24 September.  Contact tracing was focussed on his contacts between 24 to 28 September.  As for his travelling on United Airlines flight 951 from Monrovia to Washington Dulles and flight 822 to Dallas/Fort Worth, spread was unlikely as he was asymptomatic at that time.  It was also supported by information from CDC that he was not running a fever when his temperature was checked while boarding a plane in Monrovia.  

According to CDC, a person shall be put under investigation (Person Under Investigation, PUI) if he/she has both consistent symptoms and risk factors as follows: 

(a) Clinical criteria: fever and additional symptoms such as severe headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or unexplained hemorrhage; AND

(b) Epidemiologic risk factors within the past 21 days before the onset of symptoms, such as contact with blood or other body fluids or human remains of a patient known to have or suspected to have EVD; residence in, or travel to, an area where EVD transmission is active; or direct handling of bats or non-human primates from disease-endemic areas.


Bulluz, Julia.  15 Things you need to know about Ebola - A Dallas hospital failed to diagnose America's first-ever Ebola case.  Vox.  2 October 2014. (

CDC.  Case definition for Ebola Virus Disease.  (

Greg Botelho.  U.S. Ebola patient: The travels and health travails of Thomas Eric Duncan.  CNN.  3 October 2014.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

撒烏耳王這個人 (King Saul this person)

舊約撒慕爾上下二書主要人物有三位:先知撒慕爾(Samuel the Seer),撒烏耳王(King Saul),和達味王(King David)。撒烏耳本是由上主揀選的第一位以色列王,撒慕爾上書第九章至第三十一章,講述了撒烏耳由被選,為王,至被放棄及死亡的經過。讓我們先看看撒烏耳上半生從少時到為王及被擯斥的一些描寫。


撒烏耳出自以色列十二支派之本雅門一系(Benjaminite),他的父親名克士(Kish),『是個英勇的戰士』("a powerful man"),而撒烏耳則被形容為『魁梧英俊,在以色列中沒有人比他更俊美的,比所有人高出一肩。』("who was a handsome young man. There was no other Israelite more handsome than Saul; he stood head and shoulders above the people.")




米革瑪斯(Michmash)位於本雅明境內貝特爾東南死海西北,南面有革巴(Geba)、基貝亞(Gibeah),而耶路撒冷在基貝亞的南面。 基耳加耳(Gilgal)則在離米革瑪斯較遠的東南方。米革瑪斯和貝特爾山地(the hill country of Bethel)都是撒烏耳的根據地有二千人追隨他,而約納堂則領一千人在革巴。

米革瑪斯 (



約納堂從兩座石峰的懸崖到米革瑪斯培肋舍特人的前哨 (






第二次的指責,是撒烏耳得撒慕爾親口要求毀滅阿瑪肋克(Amalek)的一切時,撒烏耳放過了阿瑪肋克王(King of Amalek)阿加格(Agag)和最好的牲畜,他雖然解釋是為了作為祭獻,卻被撒慕爾嚴厲指責他拒絕了天主,並重申:『上主豈能喜歡全幡祭和犧牲,勝過上主的命令?聽命勝於祭獻,服從勝過綿羊的肥油脂。』(“Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obedience to the LORD’s command?  Obedience is better than sacrifice, to listen, better than the fat of rams.")

Reference:  Michmash, Geba and the "Pass".

Geography and the Bible.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

The Moving Castle of Ebola 伊波拉之移動城堡

Having looked at the various human ebola outbreaks in the past forty years, the next question is how do they move from one place to another, and what happens during those quiescent period?

To understand the first question, we first look at the life cycle of ebolavirus.  Though not yet fully understood, the virus primarily survives in fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family.
They cause infection to wild animals and mammals like apes only occasionally.  Infection in human occurs primarily because of human animal contact followed by human to human spread.  The following graph from CDC summarizes such transmission routes.
Ecology of Ebolavirus. CDC, US.            (

This suggests that, even in the absence of reported human infection, the virus exists, probably widely in the fruit bat family.

Natural host fruit bat of Ebolavirus. UNC website. (
The World Health Organization has put together the geographical locations of where serological evidence, such as the detection of antibodies in serum suggesting prior infection, to ebolavirus.  As from the health map obtained from the WHO website, apart from those countries with known ebola outbreaks in central and western africa, there are evidence to show infection has occurred in other parts of Africa such as Medagasgar and in South East Asia.  This coincides the areas within which the ebola host fruit bats are found.  Of note is that the fruit bat is also found as far as the east coast of Australia.
Distribution of the natural host fruit bat of ebola virus and areas with known evidence of human or animal infections. WHO website.
The map also showed that the Reston ebolavirus, so far considered not causing human diseases, have caused infections in animals in Mainland China as well as all over the United States, the latter through importation of infected Monkeys rather than due to the presence of natural host.  Such evidence suggested that, during the period of apparent quiescent, infection still occurs in various areas where the natural hosts are found without causing devastating human outbreaks.

Photo credit:
University of North Carolina News Room on Ebola hemorrhagic fever.

Monday, 8 September 2014

The Four Waves of Ebola 四波伊波拉

Ebolavirus was first identified in 1976 in Africa.  Over the nearly forty years of history, it has been found to cause acute viral illness with sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache, and sorethroat. Shortly after there will be gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting and diarrhoea), rash, organ damage and various bleeding disorders.  There will be decreased white cells and platelets as well as abnormal liver enzymes.

As regards its transmission, it is through contact of body fluids containing the virus.  There is an incubation period of 2 to 21 days.  People are infectious as long as their blood and secretions contain the virus - can last much longer after their own recovery.

Ebolavirus belongs to the family of Filoviridae (the filovirus).  There are two other genus in this family, the Marburgvirus, and Cuevavirus.

Genus Ebolavirus comprises 5 distinct species. Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV) seems to be causing the worst and deadliest outbreaks and Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV) and Bundibugyo ebolaviruses (BDBV) can also cause highly fatal diseases. The Reston ebolavirus (RESTV) is found in the Phillipines and Mainland China.   can infect humans but no known human illness or deaths have been reported.  The Taï Forest ebolavirus (TAFV) has been reported causing a non-fatal case in Cote d'Ivoire in 1994.

A summary of major Ebola outbreaks from Bloomberg (
The above graph, published at Bloomberg in an article on the subject by Zoker and Chen, has nicely shown the geographical relationships of the major outbreaks across the African continents over the past years.  When we look further into the species of the ebola virus causing these outbreaks, we can actually identify three different patterns caused by three out of the five species of Ebola virus.

The Four Waves of Spreading Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV)

This Zaire ebolavirus seems to be the most deadly species of the genus.  It was first detected (1976) in an outbreak in 1976 in the then Zaire, which subsequently changed to the present Democratic Republic of Congo, in Central Africa.  The species causing this outbreak was identified as the Zaire Ebola virus.  It caused 391 reported cases with 281 deaths, with a case-mortality rate of 88%.  It was placed under the Genus Ebola virus because cases were initially found in northern Zaire near the River Ebola.

The second wave (1994 to 1996) of Zaire Ebolavirus was detected in 1994 in Gabon - after an apparent 18-year quiescent period after the 1976 outbreak.  In 1995, an outbreak of the same virus also occurred in Zaire resulting in 315 cases with 254 deaths, with mortality again high at 81%.  The outbreak in Gabon continued till 1996 with 143 cases and 97 deaths and mortality at 68%.  One fatal case, presumably an imported case from Gabon, was detected in South Africa in 1996.

The third wave (2001 to 2008) of Zaire Ebolavirus outbreak occurred fiver years later in 2001 in Gabon again, and also newly found in Congo, the country located between Gabon and Zaire.  Zaire has undergo political change and had been renamed as the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1997, had its third Zaire Ebolavirus outbreak in 2007 to 2008.  The case numbers in Gabon, Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo were 65, 249, and 296 with case-mortality rate of 82%, 85% and 68% respectively.

Ebolavirus Outbreak Dec 2013 to Aug 2014 in West Africa (WHO)

As we can see now, the current outbreak occurring in West Africa since December 2013 is basically the fourth wave (2013 to current) of the Zaire Ebolavirus outbreak.  Over the past five years of silent period, the virus has travelled through more than 3,000 km west to Guinea, with subsequent detection in Sierra Leone, Liberia, as well as Nigeria.  Based on the WHO statistics, as of 11 August 2014, the number of cases in these countries are:

  • Guinea - 510 cases, 377 deaths
  • Liberia - 670 cases, 355 deaths,
  • Sierra Leone - 783 cases, 334 deaths, and
  • Nigeria - 12 cases, 3 deaths.

Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV) primarily in Sudan and Uganda

Around the time of the first Zaire ebolavirus outbreak, a similar outbreak was also detected in a neighbouring country, Sudan (north to Zaire), due another species, named Sudan Ebolavirus.  The worst first outbreak in 1976 resulted in 284 cases with 151 deaths, with a case-fatality rate of 53%; followed by two smaller outbreaks in 1979 (34 cases and 65% deaths) and in 2004 (17 cases and 41% deaths).

Sudan ebolavirus was detected outside Sudan in Uganda, a country south to Sudan in Central Africa, in 2000 and again in 2011 to 2012.  In the first outbreak, there were 425 cases with 224 deaths (case fatality rate 53%).  The second one was smaller causing 32 cases and 22 deaths (69% deaths).  

Budibugyo eboavirus (BDBV) detected in 2007 and 2012

There is a third species, the Budibugyo ebolavirus, found to be able to cause human outbreaks and deaths.  It was first detected in Uganda in 2007 with 149 cases and 27 deaths, with a case fatality rate of 25%.  It was detected in Democratic Republic of Congo (the previous Zaire) in 2012 resulting in 57 cases including 29 deaths.


Ebolavirus outbreaks updates at World Health Organization

Elise Zoker and Caroline Chen.  Ebola Spurs Nigeria Surveillance, Regional Border Limits at Bloomberg access

Sunday, 7 September 2014

The Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Namyeung (南陽聖母聖地/남양성모성지) Korea

The Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Namyeung (南陽聖母聖地/남양성모성지), also called "Rosary Hill" is in Korea.  It is 43km south to Seoul in Hwaseong (華城/화성) of Namyangdong (南陽洞/남양).  It is in the area of Suwon (水原/수원시)in Gyeonggi-do (京畿道/경기도).

At its official website, there are details in Korean and English to highlight the significance of this site as a pilgrimage stop.  Below I attempt to summarize some of them:

(a) Dedicated to Mary: It is the first site in Korea especially dedicated to the Holy Mother and was designated as a Holy Site on 7 October, the feast day of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Rosary, in 1991.

(b) A Shrine: Historically, it is an execution site of Korean Martyrs during the 1866 Byeongin-nyeon Persecution  (丙寅年迫害).

(c) Its geographical design, from an aerial view, is like that of an icon of Holy Mother, the Our Lady of Vladimir.  The icon has been agreed as a high quality artistic piece surviving from the period of Byzantine.  As there was no master plan in the initial design of this site, this resemblance is considered a miracle contributed to special meaning to this site.
The aerial view of the site on the left and the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir on the right (

(d) Rosary Path: The concept was based on the dynamics of the "4-Hour Rosary Prayer Movement" devoted to peace.  A half-a-mile 20-Decade Rosary Road is built with giant rosary beads by the road side for praying rosary.

(e) Statue of Holy Mother: Is is a highlight on the Rosary Road.

Statue of Mary
(f) Way of the Cross: Apart from the Rosary, one other prayer activities here is to walk the Way of Cross with Mary, to experience the pain and suffering of Jesus and that of the Holy Mother at each station.  The path is paved with pebbles for barefoot walkers and each station is also equipped for easy kneeling in prayer.

(g) Garden of Merciful Jesus: At the end of the Way of the Cross, there locates the Garden of Merciful Jesus inspired by Pope John Paul II as in his speech during his canonisation of Sister Faustina, the faithful disciple of merciful God, "The message of mercy is not new, but in an era of violence and war Sister Maria Faustina is a gift of God for our age."  There stands the statue of Divine Mercy (described by Sister Faustina as "the vessel that draws the water of grace from the well"), as well as the crown of thorns, the nail and hammer, the hands and feet nailed to the cross, the spear-pierced heart of Suffering Jesus, and sculpture of the Holy Mother's "Pieta" and the busts of Saint Faustina and of Pope John Paul II.

(h) Pray for Life Protection:  There is a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe beside the Tomb of Aborted Children for a "continuous prayer movement to the atonement for an prevention of sinful abortions."  It was also explained that "Guadalupe means 'to smite the serpent's head'" with the serpent referred as abortion.

The address of the site is 112 sanctuaries in Hwaseong Namyang Suwon (contact: 031-356-5880).  Please see below for the website.  There are also videos in various languages posted.

Reference (and photos):
The Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Namyeung (남양성모성지)

Theotokos Vladimir (Our Lady of Vladimir)